
The crazy blog of a mom of toddler twins and pregnant with a second set of twins. I write it as it is in my I see it or interpret it.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Holy Cow!!!

I just received a call from the company that is going to be supplying me with weekly needle torture...have I discussed that I get to pay for a nurse to come to our house on a weekly basis to stab me with a needle in the behind and give me a good dose of progesterone (studies prove that it helps stave of preterm I am a big fan of it).
Looks like we are going to be paying dearly for this. The upside? We will meet our out of pocket rather quickly for our insurance. Adam has great insurance (which isn't great by any means, but much better than what the majority of Americans are stuck with) fact, a lady I spoke with at our insurance company agreed with this wholeheartidly. Anyways, we are responsible for $1000 out of pocket for all in network services (which, thank God this time around all of my services are in network...unlike the last time I was pregnant with twins and we ended up with $11,000 worth of medical bills). $300 of our $1000 out of pocket is straight up deductible...the other $700 is at 80/20 (meaning we are responsible for the 20 part). The grand total of these shots (which, if you know me, you know I hate needles) is $904. My doctor's office has already informed me that we owe $420 out of pocket for the delivery (they, like most offices, like to have all of the money before they give you what they are there for...your baby/babies). I think my doctor's office will lose on this battle considering the shots will occur and be billed far prior to me giving birth (or, that is the plan). Couple that with the fact that I see a perinatologist who bills ultrasounds through the hospital (he works at the hospital and I am just assuming that the awesome ultrasound machines are property of the hospital) and we will hit the grand total way before these babies are even allowed to come out! :) In fact, I don't know if the shot company will get all $904 that they are after, but in the long run, they all get paid regardless, it will just be a nice insurance company cutting the check instead of us!
So, after that long ramble, it makes me think about the sad status of healthcare in our country, and it makes me glad that we have decent healthcare this time around. And, for those of you that say it isn't your job to make sure your neighbor has good healthcare, I am sure you would be preaching a different lesson if you had to walk a mile in a person's shoes that doesn't have healthcare, or has it but it is lousy. We shouldn't kick people down when they are down...I believe in the goodness of humankind and believe that it is our responsibility to make sure that we take care of our neighbor.


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