
The crazy blog of a mom of toddler twins and pregnant with a second set of twins. I write it as it is in my I see it or interpret it.

Monday, August 25, 2008

I am still here...

and really busy!

Sorry that it has been so long since I have updated. I can sit here and give a million reasons why I haven't been on recently and most of them would be true, but it really boils down to the fact that I would rather spend time staring at my beautiful babies and chasing my ornery toddlers than online. And, there hasn't been much to update...lots of dirty diapers to change, lots of feeding, and limited sleep time. But, let me see if I can wrap it up neatly.

The past two weeks have been consumed by watching the Olympics and enjoying the last few weeks of summer before Adam heads back to work. Now that he is back, I have run the ship on my own, and while there are hairy moments, I feel 90% confident in my abilities to balance this insanity! I am working on that other 10%, don't worry!

Nursing took a lot of work. A LOT! Anyone that says nursing is easy is perfectly mistaken. It takes a strong woman to stick with it and I am so proud to say that after all of the struggles, I have finally made it to the point of knowledge that I can and will nurse my babies for their first year of life. For the first 6 weeks, it was one feed at a time and many moments that I wanted to throw in the towel (especially during the growth spurts where I was feeding babies every other hour for an hour total). I can successfully tandem feed without any help (except for an army of pillows).

Addison and Delaney are absolutely amazing little babies. They are starting to coo and smile. It really makes the middle of the night feeds more enjoyable. Hadley and Gretchen are growing into such strong, independent little girls. It is really amazing and scary how quickly time is going these days. To think...Hadley and Gretchen will start kindergarten in 2 years. We definitely enjoy every day around here and count our blessings.

Off to feed some babies. Hope this finds all of you well.