
The crazy blog of a mom of toddler twins and pregnant with a second set of twins. I write it as it is in my I see it or interpret it.

Friday, February 22, 2008


Well, 29 percent of you were right...we have one of each, girl first, then boy! The names are Delaney and Addison Joseph...still up in the air about the middle name for our girl!!!!
Both babies looked great and were measuring 8 ounces each (they should be around 5.5 ounces right now, so they are growing well). And, for those of you that care, my cervix looked great too, so that was just a great visit!!! Here are a few pictures...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG - poor Addison - he will be sooooooo outnumbered.
Big Daddy Adam will really have to come to his rescue with all those sisters!
Heather - I am so damn happy for all of you.
This is all such wonderful news!!!
Boys rule and a trifecta of females - what a great family!!!!!

February 25, 2008 at 9:04 AM  

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