
The crazy blog of a mom of toddler twins and pregnant with a second set of twins. I write it as it is in my I see it or interpret it.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

22 weeks, 6 days...

It has been some time since my last post. However, this weekend was busy with Easter festivities and Adam has been working on finishing up our basement so we can start on the nursery (the basement is awesome and I will post pics when it is done).
Anyways, we had an appointment on last Thursda
y and it was awesome! The cerclage is still doing it's job and the babies looked amazing! They were able to finish the anatomy scan and we were given a clean bill of health on the babies! YAY! Delaney weighed 1 pound (33rd percentile) and Addison weighed 1 pound, 1 ounce (43rd percentile). This might seem small, but I am guessing 1 pound, 2 ounces is roughly the 50th percentile, plus, since I was small when I was born, these babies should follow suit (according to my doctors). Plus, I don't think I need to be carrying around 16 pounds of baby when this is all said and done!
My belly is definitely getting big and the eve
nings are definitely getting uncomfortable, but I know it is all for a good cause! Plus, tomorrow is 23 weeks, so I keep telling myself, sometime in the next 13 to 15 weeks, these babies will be here (and then I know I will be really tired!). :)
Adam is getting geared up to finish his M
asters and we cannot wait! Like I have said before, I am super proud of him! He has really worked for this and deserves all of the high fives he can get! :)
Lastly, we did get a few good pictures of Addison on Thursday, but didn't get a chance to get a 3D picture of Delaney (the other u/s tech at our peri's office told our u/s tech it was time to go when she was getting ready to do a 3D on Delaney...grr). But, here are 2 great pictures of Addison and 1 typical profile picture of Delaney! :) Enjoy!
Yes, that would be Addison flashing the peace sign...And here is his face (arm is on the left side of the picture...beside his head).And a picture of Delaney's profile (the top of her head is to the right of the picture...)


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