
The crazy blog of a mom of toddler twins and pregnant with a second set of twins. I write it as it is in my I see it or interpret it.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

35 weeks today!!!

Just had my last progesterone shot. This is all seeming very surreal at this point. I feel comfortable now...not concerned about the babies coming at this point. My nurse agreed that it is all coming sooner rather than later, so I am just biding my time. She seemed to think that things would probably start on Monday when the cerclage comes out and suggested that we take our bag with us to the appointment that day (well, leave it in the van, but be ready). How very exciting!!! Who knows if there will be a post next Wednesday for 36 weeks (I wouldn't mind one way or the other).
My contractions are not frequent or in any pattern, but when they hit, they stick around for a minute and are definitely strong. They are obviously doing something...which is so very exciting!
So, I am going to lay low until Monday. I go in at 11am to have the cerclage removed. Then, perhaps I will take a walk through the uptown area, have some lunch and some ice carefree for a minute or two more! :)
This is all just very exciting! I am looking forward to trusting my body in the labor and delivery process of twins again and of course, looking forward to meeting our babies and adding to our amazing family!
Happy Wednesday everyone!


Blogger Homegrown Tribe said...

So exciting! I can not wait to hear the news. I really hope you make it until 36 weeks. the longer the better. :)


June 18, 2008 at 3:57 PM  

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