
The crazy blog of a mom of toddler twins and pregnant with a second set of twins. I write it as it is in my I see it or interpret it.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

The Last Peri Appointment...

EVER! I cannot believe it! We had our last peri appointment exciting! We never made it to our last peri appointment with Hadley and Gretchen! They came a week before that appointment! :)
It was a great appointment, and really fast (appointment was at 1pm and we were done by 1:45pm). Both of the babies looked great. We tried to get 3D pictures but at this point, it was really difficult to tell where one baby ended and the other began! :) They were both measuring 4lbs, 11oz, which is right on track, even though I secretly think that Addison is measuring a bit bigger (if you want to know why, ask me and I will tell). So, just under 9 and 1/2 pounds of baby. An extra placenta (1.5 pounds) and extra amniotic fluid (I think close to a pound). I have gained 29 pounds total. I am thrilled! Here is a better comparison...with Hadley and Gretchen, 5 days before this appointment was my last growth scan with them. Hadley weighed 3lbs, 12oz and Gretchen weighed 4lbs, 1oz. I had gained 37 pounds.
I really have to attribute it to my healthier lifestyle. I just eat better. I still allow myself fatty dishes of pasta from time to time (like tonight, it was my celebration from a great appointment), but I really have been conscientious of eating well...and I believe that this pregnancy has been affected positively due to those healthier choices.
Adam is plugging away with his Masters degree. At this current pace, he should be able to relax a few nights in the next week and still finish up everything by Father's Day. I told him if he does finish everything up by Father's Day, it is his call (well, it is his call what he will do that day regardless). And, pardon me for a second while I step up on my soapbox for a minute and tell you all about how proud of him I am...he has been pulling more than enough weight around our home to help me out, is still an excellent father, gives his students 100%+ on a daily basis (even though he might say no, he has always gone above and beyond the typical teacher) and has been busting some major tail in the afternoons and evenings to get this degree done before these babies arrive. I couldn't be more proud of him and only realize after living with him going through 2 years of a Masters program how time involved this degree is. But, it has definitely shaped him as a teacher and I am so proud of him...more proud than I could put into words. He might have the 'great teacher hours,' but he puts in so much time beyond the structured day, and all for the betterment of his students...amazing!
Ok, off the soapbox.
So, I want to make it past when the girls were born (timeline--Father's Day). Then, to 36 weeks...and beyond...


Blogger Homegrown Tribe said...

Wow... I can not believe how close you are getting. i'm so excited for you guys.

June 5, 2008 at 8:50 PM  

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